Making many projects, focusing on failing fast, and learning why making games is hard.

Aim Trainer Idle

My most successful game with 1k+ views and 600+ plays!

Built in Godot!

Hank Dudes' Duel

This was my first game! It's two player! I made it when I first started learning programming.

Built in Scratch!

Petal and Metal

Built in Processing, this game was the most technically interesting to me. Without a game engine, I had to build all of my game features from scratch.

Dodge Brick

Twice a year, I participate in 48-hour Unreal Engine game jams where I try to work with fresh game developers to try to make their first game jam experience memorable, fun, and finished with a completed game. This was the most recent product!


This is my first Javascript project! I am currently working on it, and it is being updated on the fly! 

This is to be used as a game project template for easily shareable 2D game prototypes.

Controls are subject to change often but included is a simple level editor for spawning and deleting objects at runtime.